
Blue Globe's Smart Tools that lay the foundation for implementing the changes you want to makeĀ 

All SmartBluePrints products are based on decades of Blue Globe Management Consulting experience and flexible Smartsheet technology that enables client teams to move forward with solutions rapidly.

SmartBluePrints: PMO (Version 2.0 Released Fall 2020)

A lot of Project Management Offices (PMO's) have been rolled out in the last 15 or 20 years. Many of these roll-out efforts could be characterized as not knowing where to start...

SmartBluePrints: Project Management Health Assessment Tool (Initial Release expected Q4 2021)

The SmartBluePrints: Project Management Health Assessment Tool (PMHAT) is based on more than three decades of PMO, Program, and Project Management experience. Currently,...

SmartBluePrints: Strategic Business Plan Architect (Initial Release expected Q4-2021)

One of the critical success factors in any Strategic Business Planning effort is having an approach that effectively focuses...

SmartBluePrints: Business Modeling Lab (Expected Initial Release: Q3-2020)

Blue Globe's Process Redesign work will leverage the SmartBluePrints: Process Modeling Lab to...

SmartBluePrints: Process Redesign Lab (Expected Initial Release: Q1-2021)

Blue Globe's Process Redesign work will leverage the SmartBluePrints: Process Redesign Lab to provide a comprehensive process redesign...

SmartBluePrints: Data Strategy and Governance Architect (Expected Initial Release: Q2-2021)

Blue Globe's Enterprise Systems work will leverage the SmartBluePrints: Data Strategy and Governance Architect, which will provide...